Source code for multiformats.varint

    Implementation of the `unsigned-varint spec <>`_.

    Suggested usage:

    >>> from multiformats import varint

from __future__ import annotations

from io import BufferedIOBase
from typing import BinaryIO, cast, List, Optional, overload, Tuple, Union, TypeVar
from typing_extensions import Final
from typing_validation import validate

_max_num_bytes: int = 9

BytesLike = Union[bytes, bytearray, memoryview]
""" Type alias for bytes-like objects. """

byteslike: Final = (bytes, bytearray, memoryview)
""" Tuple of bytes-like objects types (for use with :obj:`isinstance` checks). """

[docs] def encode(x: int) -> bytes: """ Encodes a non-negative integer as an unsigned varint, returning the encoded bytes. Example usage: >>> from multiformats import varint >>> varint.encode(128) b'\\x80\\x01' :param x: the non-negative integer to encode :type x: :obj:`int` :raises ValueError: if `x < 0` (varints encode unsigned integers) :raises ValueError: if `x >= 2**63` (from specs, varints are limited to 9 bytes) """ validate(x, int) if x < 0: raise ValueError("Integer is negative.") varint_bytelist: List[int] = [] while True: next_byte = x & 0b0111_1111 x >>= 7 if x > 0: varint_bytelist.append(next_byte | 0b1000_0000) else: varint_bytelist.append(next_byte) break if len(varint_bytelist) >= _max_num_bytes: raise ValueError(f"Varints must be at most {_max_num_bytes} bytes long.") return bytes(varint_bytelist)
[docs] def decode(b: Union[BytesLike, BufferedIOBase, BinaryIO]) -> int: """ Decodes an unsigned varint from a bytes-like object or a buffered binary stream. - if a stream is passed, only the bytes encoding the varint are read from it - if a `bytes`-like object is passed, the varint encoding must use all bytes Example usage with bytes: >>> from multiformats import varint >>> varint.decode(b'\\x80\\x01') 128 Example usage with streams, for the (typical) situation where the varint is only part of the data: >>> from io import BytesIO >>> stream = BytesIO(b"\\x80\\x01\\x12\\xff\\x01") >>> varint.decode(stream) 128 >>> # what's left in the stream b'\\x12\\xff\\x01' :param b: the bytes-like object or stream from which to decode a varint :type b: :obj:`~multiformats.varint.BytesLike`, :obj:`~io.BufferedIOBase` or :obj:`~typing.BinaryIO` :raises ValueError: if the input contains no bytes (from specs, the number 0 is encoded as ``0b00000000``) :raises ValueError: if the 9th byte of the input is a continuation byte (from specs, no number >= 2**63 is allowed) :raises ValueError: if the last byte of the input is a continuation byte (invalid format) :raises ValueError: if the decoded integer could be encoded in fewer bytes than were read (from specs, encoding must be minimal) :raises ValueError: if the input is a bytes-like object and the number of bytes used by the encoding is fewer than its length The last point is a designed choice aimed to reduce errors when decoding fixed-length bytestrings (rather than streams). If this behaviour is undesirable, consider using `decode_head` instead. """ x, num_bytes_read, _ = decode_raw(b) if isinstance(b, byteslike) and len(b) > num_bytes_read: raise ValueError("A bytes-like object was passed, but not all bytes were used by the encoding.") return x
def _no_next_byte_error(num_bytes_read: int) -> ValueError: if num_bytes_read == 0: return ValueError("Varints must be at least 1 byte long.") return ValueError(f"Byte #{num_bytes_read-1} was a continuation byte, but byte #{num_bytes_read} not available.") _BufferedIOT = TypeVar("_BufferedIOT", bound=BufferedIOBase) _BinaryIOT = TypeVar("_BinaryIOT", bound=BinaryIO) @overload def decode_raw(b: BytesLike) -> Tuple[int, int, memoryview]: ... @overload def decode_raw(b: _BufferedIOT) -> Tuple[int, int, _BufferedIOT]: ... @overload def decode_raw(b: _BinaryIOT) -> Tuple[int, int, _BinaryIOT]: ...
[docs] def decode_raw(b: Union[BytesLike, BufferedIOBase, BinaryIO]) -> Tuple[int, int, Union[memoryview, BufferedIOBase, BinaryIO]]: """ Specialised version of :func:`~multiformats.varint.decode` for partial decoding, returning a pair ``(x, n)`` of the decoded varint ``x`` and the number ``n`` of bytes read from the start and/or consumed from the stream. Unlike :func:`~multiformats.varint.decode`, this function doesn't raise `ValueError` in case not all bytes are read in the process. Example usage with bytes: >>> bs = b"\\x80\\x01\\x12\\xff\\x01" >>> x, n, m = varint.decode_raw(bs) >>> x 128 >>> n 2 # read first 2 bytes: b"\\x80\\x01" >>> m <memory at 0x000001A6E55DDA00> >>> bytes(m) b'\\x12\\xff\\x01' # memoryview on remaining bytes # note: bytes(m) did not consume the bytes Example usage with streams, for the (typical) situation where the varint is only part of the data: >>> from io import BytesIO >>> stream = BytesIO(b"\\x80\\x01\\x12\\xff\\x01") >>> x, n = varint.decode_head(stream) >>> x 128 >>> n 2 # read first 2 bytes: b"\\x80\\x01" >>> m <_io.BytesIO object at 0x000001A6E554BBD0> >>> m == stream True # original stream returned, containing remaining bytes >>> b'\\x12\\xff\\x01' # 2 bytes were consumed decoding the varint, so 3 bytes were left in the stream # note: consumed the bytes :param b: the bytes-like object or stream from which to decode a varint :type b: :obj:`~multiformats.varint.BytesLike`, :obj:`~io.BufferedIOBase` or :obj:`~typing.BinaryIO` :raises ValueError: same reasons as :func:`~multiformats.varint.decode`, except for the last (where no error is raised) """ stream_mode: Optional[type] if isinstance(b, BufferedIOBase): stream_mode = BufferedIOBase validate(b, BufferedIOBase) elif isinstance(b, BinaryIO): stream_mode = BinaryIO validate(b, BinaryIO) else: stream_mode = None validate(b, BytesLike) expect_next = True num_bytes_read = 0 x = 0 while expect_next: if stream_mode is not None: _next_byte: bytes = cast(Union[BufferedIOBase, BinaryIO], b).read(1) if len(_next_byte) == 0: raise _no_next_byte_error(num_bytes_read) next_byte: int = _next_byte[0] else: if num_bytes_read >= len(cast(BytesLike, b)): raise _no_next_byte_error(num_bytes_read) next_byte = cast(BytesLike, b)[num_bytes_read] x += (next_byte & 0b0111_1111) << (7 * num_bytes_read) expect_next = (next_byte >> 7) == 0b1 num_bytes_read += 1 if expect_next and num_bytes_read >= _max_num_bytes: raise ValueError(f"Varints must be at most {_max_num_bytes} bytes long.") if num_bytes_read > 1 and x < 2**(7*(num_bytes_read-1)): raise ValueError(f"Number {x} was not minimally encoded (as a {num_bytes_read} bytes varint).") if stream_mode is not None: return x, num_bytes_read, cast(Union[BufferedIOBase, BinaryIO], b) return x, num_bytes_read, memoryview(cast(BytesLike, b))[num_bytes_read:]