Source code for multiformats.multihash._hashfuns.utils

    Utilities for hash function implementation.

from __future__ import annotations

from typing import Optional
from typing_extensions import Literal, Protocol, runtime_checkable
from typing_validation import validate
from multiformats.varint import BytesLike
from multiformats.multihash.err import MultihashValueError

[docs] @runtime_checkable class Hashfun(Protocol): """ Protocol for raw hash functions. .. code-block:: python @runtime_checkable class Hashfun(Protocol): def __call__(self, data: BytesLike, size: Optional[int] = None) -> bytes: ... """ def __call__(self, data: BytesLike, size: Optional[int] = None) -> bytes: ...
[docs] def validate_hashfun_args(data: BytesLike, size: Optional[int], max_digest_size: Optional[int], *, size_required: bool = False, name: str = "") -> None: """ Utility function to validate the arguments passed to hash functions. """ validate(data, BytesLike) validate(size, Optional[int]) if size is not None and size < 0: raise MultihashValueError("If specified, digest size must be non-negative integer.") if size is not None and max_digest_size is not None and size > max_digest_size: raise MultihashValueError("If specified, digest size must not exceed maximum digest size for hash function.") if size_required and size is None: raise MultihashValueError(f"Digest size is mandatory for hash function{' '+name if name else ''}.")
[docs] def repeat_hashfun(hashfun: Hashfun, repeat: int = 1, truncate: Literal["end", "always"] = "end") -> Hashfun: """ Utility function for repeated hashing. """ validate(hashfun, Hashfun) validate(repeat, int) validate(truncate, Literal["end", "always"]) if repeat <= 0: raise MultihashValueError("Argument 'repeat' must be positive integer.") if repeat == 1: return hashfun if truncate == "always": def repeated_hashfun(data: BytesLike, size: Optional[int]=None) -> bytes: for _ in range(repeat): data = hashfun(data, size) return data else: def repeated_hashfun(data: BytesLike, size: Optional[int]=None) -> bytes: for _ in range(repeat-1): data = hashfun(data, None) data = hashfun(data, size) return data return repeated_hashfun