Source code for multiformats.cid

    Implementation of the `CID spec <>`_.

    This module differs from other modules of :mod:`~multiformats`, in that the functionality is completely
    encapsulated by a single class :class:`CID`, which is imported from top level instead
    of the module itself:

    >>> from multiformats import CID

from __future__ import annotations
import sys

from typing import Any, ClassVar, cast, FrozenSet, Tuple, Type, TypeVar, Union
from weakref import WeakValueDictionary

from typing_extensions import Literal, Final
from typing_validation import validate

from bases import base58btc

from multiformats import varint, multicodec, multibase, multihash

from multiformats.multicodec import Multicodec
from multiformats.multibase import Multibase
from multiformats.multihash import Multihash, _validate_raw_digest_size
from multiformats.varint import BytesLike, byteslike

if sys.version_info[1] >= 11:
    from typing import Self
    from typing_extensions import Self

_CIDSubclass = TypeVar("_CIDSubclass", bound="CID")

CIDVersion = Literal[0, 1]
""" Type alias for a CID version. """

CIDVersionNumbers: Final[FrozenSet[int]] = frozenset({0, 1})
""" Constant for CID version numbers. """

def _binary_cid_from_str(cid: str) -> Tuple[bytes, Multibase]:
    if len(cid) == 46 and cid.startswith("Qm"):
        # CIDv0 to be decoded as base58btc
        return base58btc.decode(cid), multibase.get("base58btc")
    mb, b = multibase.decode_raw(cid)
    if b[0] ==  0x12:
        # CIDv0 may not be multibase encoded (0x12 is the first byte of sha2-256 multihashes)
        # CIDv18 (first byte 18=0x12) will be skipped to prevent ambiguity
        raise ValueError("CIDv0 may not be multibase encoded (found multibase encoded bytes starting with 0x12).")
    return b, mb

def _CID_validate_multibase(base: Union[str, Multibase]) -> Multibase:
    if isinstance(base, str):
        base = multibase.get(base)
    return base

def _CID_validate_multicodec(codec: Union[str, int, Multicodec]) -> Multicodec:
    if isinstance(codec, str):
        codec = multicodec.get(codec)
    elif isinstance(codec, int):
        codec = multicodec.get(code=codec)
    return codec

def _CID_validate_multihash(hashfun: Union[str, int, Multihash]) -> Multihash:
    if isinstance(hashfun, str):
        hashfun = multihash.get(hashfun)
    elif isinstance(hashfun, int):
        hashfun = multihash.get(code=hashfun)
    return hashfun

def _CID_validate_raw_digest(raw_digest: Union[str, BytesLike], hashfun: Multihash) -> bytes:
    if isinstance(raw_digest, str):
        raw_digest = bytes.fromhex(raw_digest)
        validate(raw_digest, BytesLike)
        if not isinstance(raw_digest, bytes):
            raw_digest = bytes(raw_digest)
    _, max_digest_size = hashfun.implementation
    _validate_raw_digest_size(, raw_digest, max_digest_size)
    return raw_digest

def _CID_validate_multihash_digest(digest: Union[str, BytesLike]) -> Tuple[Multihash, bytes]:
    if isinstance(digest, str):
        digest = bytes.fromhex(digest)
    raw_digest: BytesLike
    code, raw_digest = multihash.unwrap_raw(digest)
    hashfun = _CID_validate_multihash(code)
    raw_digest = _CID_validate_raw_digest(raw_digest, hashfun)
    return hashfun, raw_digest

def _CID_validate_version(version: int, base: Multibase, codec: Multicodec, hashfun: Multihash) -> int:
    if version in (2, 3):
        raise ValueError("CID versions 2 and 3 are reserved for future use.")
    if version not in (0, 1):
        raise ValueError(f"CID version {version} is not allowed.")
    if version == 0:
        if != 'base58btc':
            raise ValueError(f"CIDv0 multibase must be 'base58btc', found {repr(} instead.")
        if != "dag-pb":
            raise ValueError(f"CIDv0 multicodec must be 'dag-pb', found {repr(} instead.")
        if != "sha2-256":
            raise ValueError(f"CIDv0 multihash must be 'sha2-256', found {repr(} instead.")
    return version

[docs] class CID: """ Container class for `Content IDentifiers <>`_. CIDs can be explicitly instantiated by passing multibase, CID version, multicodec and multihash digest to the constructor: >>> cid = CID("base58btc", 1, "raw", ... "12206e6ff7950a36187a801613426e858dce686cd7d7e3c0fc42ee0330072d245c95") >>> str(cid) 'zb2rhe5P4gXftAwvA4eXQ5HJwsER2owDyS9sKaQRRVQPn93bA' Alternatively, a pair of multihash codec and raw hash digest can be passed in lieu of the multihash digest: >>> raw_digest = bytes.fromhex( ... "6e6ff7950a36187a801613426e858dce686cd7d7e3c0fc42ee0330072d245c95") >>> cid = CID("base58btc", 1, "raw", ("sha2-256", raw_digest)) >>> str(cid) 'zb2rhe5P4gXftAwvA4eXQ5HJwsER2owDyS9sKaQRRVQPn93bA' The multihash digest and raw digest values can be passed either as :obj:`bytes`-like objects or as the corresponding hex strings: >>> isinstance(raw_digest, bytes) True >>> raw_digest.hex() '6e6ff7950a36187a801613426e858dce686cd7d7e3c0fc42ee0330072d245c95' Note: the hex strings are not multibase encoded. Calling :obj:`bytes` on an instance of this class returns its binary representation, as a :obj:`bytes` object: >>> cid = CID("base58btc", 1, "raw", ... "12206e6ff7950a36187a801613426e858dce686cd7d7e3c0fc42ee0330072d245c95") >>> raw_digest.hex() '6e6ff7950a36187a801613426e858dce686cd7d7e3c0fc42ee0330072d245c95' >>> bytes(cid).hex() '015512206e6ff7950a36187a801613426e858dce686cd7d7e3c0fc42ee0330072d245c95' #^^ 0x01 = CIDv1 # ^^ 0x55 = 'raw' codec >>> bytes(cid) The ``digest`` parameter can be specified in the following ways: - as a :obj:`str`, in which case it is treated as a hex-string and converted to :obj:`bytes` using :obj:`bytes.fromhex` - as a :obj:`~multiformats.varint.BytesLike`, in which case it is converted to :obj:`bytes` directly - as a pair ``(multihash_codec, raw_digest)`` of a multihash and raw hash digest, which are used to produce a multihash digest via the :meth:`~multiformats.multihash.Multihash.wrap` metho If ``digest`` is specified by a pair, the ``multihash_codec`` value can be specified in the following ways: - by multihash multicodec name, as a :obj:`str` - by multihash multicodec code, as a :obj:`int` - as a :class:`~multiformats.multihash.Multihash` object If ``digest`` is specified by a pair, the ``raw_digest`` value can be specified in the following ways: - as a :obj:`str`, in which case it is treated as a hex-string and converted to :obj:`bytes` using :obj:`bytes.fromhex` - as a :obj:`~multiformats.varint.BytesLike`, in which case it is converted to :obj:`bytes` directly :param base: default multibase to use when encoding this CID :type base: :obj:`str` or :class:`~multiformats.multibase.Multibase` :param version: the CID version (0 or 1) :param codec: the content multicodec :type codec: :obj:`str`, :obj:`int` or :class:`~multiformats.multicodec.Multicodec` :param digest: the content multihash digest, or a pair of multihash codec and raw content digest (see below) :raises ValueError: if the CID version is unsupported :raises ValueError: if version is 0 but base is not 'base58btc' or codec is not 'dag-pb' :raises KeyError: if the multibase, multicodec or multihash are unknown """ __InstanceKey = Tuple[Multibase, CIDVersion, Multicodec, Multihash, bytes] __instances: ClassVar[WeakValueDictionary[ CID.__InstanceKey, CID ]] = WeakValueDictionary() _base: Multibase _version: CIDVersion _codec: Multicodec _hashfun: Multihash _digest: bytes __slots__ = ("__weakref__", "_base", "_version", "_codec", "_hashfun", "_digest") def __new__(cls: Type[_CIDSubclass], base: Union[str, Multibase], version: int, codec: Union[str, int, Multicodec], digest: Union[ str, BytesLike, Tuple[ Union[str, int, Multihash], Union[str, BytesLike] ] ]) -> _CIDSubclass: # pylint: disable = too-many-arguments base = _CID_validate_multibase(base) codec = _CID_validate_multicodec(codec) raw_digest: Union[str, bytes] hashfun: Union[str, int, Multihash] if isinstance(digest, (str,)+byteslike): hashfun, raw_digest = _CID_validate_multihash_digest(digest) else: validate(digest, Tuple[Union[str, int, Multihash], Union[str, BytesLike]]) hashfun, raw_digest = digest hashfun = _CID_validate_multihash(hashfun) raw_digest = _CID_validate_raw_digest(raw_digest, hashfun) version = _CID_validate_version(version, base, codec, hashfun) if isinstance(digest, bytes): return CID._new_instance(cls, base, version, codec, hashfun, digest) return CID._new_instance(cls, base, version, codec, hashfun, (hashfun, raw_digest)) def __getnewargs__(self) -> tuple[Multibase, CIDVersion, Multicodec, bytes]: return self.base, self.version, self.codec, self.digest @staticmethod def _new_instance(CID_subclass: Type[_CIDSubclass], base: Multibase, version: int, codec: Multicodec, hashfun: Multihash, digest: Union[bytes, Tuple[Multihash, bytes]], ) -> _CIDSubclass: # pylint: disable = too-many-arguments assert version in (0, 1) if isinstance(digest, bytes): pass # digest = digest elif isinstance(digest, byteslike): digest = bytes(digest) else: _hashfun, raw_digest = digest if not isinstance(raw_digest, bytes): raw_digest = bytes(raw_digest) assert _hashfun == hashfun, "You passed different multihashes to a _new_instance call with digest as a pair." digest = hashfun.wrap(raw_digest) key: CID.__InstanceKey = ( base, cast(Literal[0, 1], version), codec, hashfun, digest ) instance = CID.__instances.get(key) if instance is None: instance = object.__new__(CID_subclass) instance._base = base instance._version = cast(Literal[0, 1], version) instance._codec = codec instance._hashfun = hashfun instance._digest = digest CID.__instances[key] = instance return cast(_CIDSubclass, instance) @property def version(self) -> CIDVersion: """ CID version. Example usage: >>> s = "zb2rhe5P4gXftAwvA4eXQ5HJwsER2owDyS9sKaQRRVQPn93bA" >>> cid = CID.decode(s) >>> cid.version 1 """ return self._version @property def base(self) -> Multibase: """ Multibase used to encode the CID: - if a CIDv1 was decoded from a multibase-encoded string, the encoding multibase is used - if a CIDv1 was decoded from a bytestring, the 'base58btc' multibase is used - for a CIDv0, 'base58btc' is always used Example usage: >>> s = "zb2rhe5P4gXftAwvA4eXQ5HJwsER2owDyS9sKaQRRVQPn93bA" >>> cid = CID.decode(s) >>> cid.base Multibase(name='base58btc', code='z', status='default', description='base58 bitcoin') """ return self._base @property def codec(self) -> Multicodec: """ Codec that the multihash digest refers to. Example usage: >>> s = "zb2rhe5P4gXftAwvA4eXQ5HJwsER2owDyS9sKaQRRVQPn93bA" >>> cid = CID.decode(s) >>> cid.codec Multicodec(name='raw', tag='ipld', code='0x55', status='permanent', description='raw binary') """ return self._codec @property def hashfun(self) -> Multihash: """ Multihash used to produce the multihash digest. Example usage: >>> s = "zb2rhe5P4gXftAwvA4eXQ5HJwsER2owDyS9sKaQRRVQPn93bA" >>> cid = CID.decode(s) >>> cid.hashfun Multicodec(name='sha2-256', tag='multihash', code='0x12', status='permanent', description='') """ return self._hashfun @property def digest(self) -> bytes: """ Multihash digest. Example usage: >>> s = "zb2rhe5P4gXftAwvA4eXQ5HJwsER2owDyS9sKaQRRVQPn93bA" >>> cid = CID.decode(s) >>> cid.digest.hex() '12206e6ff7950a36187a801613426e858dce686cd7d7e3c0fc42ee0330072d245c95' """ return self._digest @property def raw_digest(self) -> bytes: """ Raw hash digest, decoded from the multihash digest. Example usage: >>> s = "zb2rhe5P4gXftAwvA4eXQ5HJwsER2owDyS9sKaQRRVQPn93bA" >>> cid = CID.decode(s) >>> cid.raw_digest.hex() '6e6ff7950a36187a801613426e858dce686cd7d7e3c0fc42ee0330072d245c95' """ return multihash.unwrap(self._digest) @property def human_readable(self) -> str: """ Human-readable representation of the CID. Example usage: >>> s = "zb2rhe5P4gXftAwvA4eXQ5HJwsER2owDyS9sKaQRRVQPn93bA" >>> cid = CID.decode(s) >>> cid.human_readable 'base58btc - cidv1 - raw - (sha2-256 : 256 : 6E6FF7950A36187A801613426E858DCE686CD7D7E3C0FC42EE0330072D245C95)' """ raw_digest = self.raw_digest hashfun_str = f"({} : {len(raw_digest)*8} : {raw_digest.hex().upper()})" return f"{} - cidv{self.version} - {} - {hashfun_str}"
[docs] def encode(self, base: Union[None, str, Multibase] = None) -> str: """ Encodes the CID using a given multibase. If :obj:`None` is given, the CID's own multibase is used by default. Example usage: >>> s = "zb2rhe5P4gXftAwvA4eXQ5HJwsER2owDyS9sKaQRRVQPn93bA" >>> cid = CID.decode(s) >>> cid.encode() # default: cid.base 'zb2rhe5P4gXftAwvA4eXQ5HJwsER2owDyS9sKaQRRVQPn93bA' >>> cid.encode("base32") 'bafkreidon73zkcrwdb5iafqtijxildoonbwnpv7dyd6ef3qdgads2jc4su' :param base: the multibase to be used for encoding :type base: :obj:`None`, :obj:`str` or :class:`~multiformats.multibase.Multibase`, *optional* :raises KeyError: see :meth:`multiformats.multibase.Multibase.encode` """ if self.version == 0: if base is not None: raise ValueError("CIDv0 cannot be multibase-encoded, please set multibase=None.") return base58btc.encode(bytes(self)) if base is None or base == self.base: base = self.base # use CID's own multibase as default else: if isinstance(base, str): base = multibase.get(base) else: multibase.validate_multibase(base) return base.encode(bytes(self))
[docs] def set(self, *, base: Union[None, str, Multibase] = None, version: Union[None, int] = None, codec: Union[None, str, int, Multicodec] = None ) -> "CID": """ Returns a new CID obtained by setting new values for one or more of: ``base``, ``version``, or ``codec``. Example usage: >>> s = "zb2rhe5P4gXftAwvA4eXQ5HJwsER2owDyS9sKaQRRVQPn93bA" >>> cid = CID.decode(s) >>> cid CID('base58btc', 1, 'raw', '12206e6ff7950a36187a801613426e858dce686cd7d7e3c0fc42ee0330072d245c95') >>> cid.set(base="base32") CID('base32', 1, 'raw', '12206e6ff7950a36187a801613426e858dce686cd7d7e3c0fc42ee0330072d245c95') >>> cid.set(codec="dag-cbor") CID('base58btc', 1, 'dag-cbor', '12206e6ff7950a36187a801613426e858dce686cd7d7e3c0fc42ee0330072d245c95') >>> cid.set(version=0, codec="dag-pb") CID('base58btc', 0, 'dag-pb', '12206e6ff7950a36187a801613426e858dce686cd7d7e3c0fc42ee0330072d245c95') >>> cid CID('base58btc', 1, 'raw', '12206e6ff7950a36187a801613426e858dce686cd7d7e3c0fc42ee0330072d245c95') # Note: 'CID.set' returns new instances, # the original 'cid' instance is unchanged If setting ``version`` to 0, ``base`` must be 'base58btc' and ``codec`` must be 'dag-pb'. >>> s = "zb2rhe5P4gXftAwvA4eXQ5HJwsER2owDyS9sKaQRRVQPn93bA" >>> cid = CID.decode(s) >>> cid CID('base58btc', 1, 'raw', '12206e6ff7950a36187a801613426e858dce686cd7d7e3c0fc42ee0330072d245c95') >>> cid.set(version=0, codec="dag-pb") CID('base58btc', 0, 'dag-pb', '12206e6ff7950a36187a801613426e858dce686cd7d7e3c0fc42ee0330072d245c95') >>> cid.set(version=0) ValueError: CIDv0 multicodec must be 'dag-pb', found 'raw' instead. >>> cid.set(version=0, codec="dag-pb", base="base32") ValueError: CIDv0 multibase must be 'base58btc', found 'base32' instead :param base: the new CID multibase, or :obj:`None` if multibase unchanged :type base: :obj:`None`, :obj:`str` or :class:`~multiformats.multibase.Multibase`, *optional* :param version: the new CID version, or :obj:`None` if version unchanged :type version: :obj:`None`, 0 or 1, *optional* :param codec: the new content multicodec, or :obj:`None` if multicodec unchanged :type codec: :obj:`None`, :obj:`str` or :class:`~multiformats.multicodec.Multicodec`, *optional* :raises KeyError: if the multibase or multicodec are unknown """ hashfun = self.hashfun digest = self.digest if base is not None and base not in (self.base, base = _CID_validate_multibase(base) else: base = self.base if codec is not None and codec not in (self.codec,, self.codec.code): codec = _CID_validate_multicodec(codec) else: codec = self.codec if version is not None and version != self.version: version = _CID_validate_version(version, base, codec, hashfun) else: version = self.version return CID._new_instance(CID, base, version, codec, hashfun, digest)
def __bytes__(self) -> bytes: if self.version == 0: return self.digest return varint.encode(self.version)+varint.encode(self.codec.code)+self.digest def __str__(self) -> str: return self.encode() def __repr__(self) -> str: mb = v = self.version mc = d = self.digest return f"CID({repr(mb)}, {v}, {repr(mc)}, {repr(d.hex())})" @property def _as_tuple(self) -> Tuple[Type["CID"], int, Multicodec, bytes]: return (CID, self.version, self.codec, self.digest) def __hash__(self) -> int: return hash(self._as_tuple) def __eq__(self, other: Any) -> bool: if self is other: return True if not isinstance(other, CID): return NotImplemented return self._as_tuple == other._as_tuple
[docs] @staticmethod def decode(cid: Union[str, BytesLike]) -> "CID": """ Decodes a CID from a bytestring or a multibase-encoded string. Example usage for CIDv1 multibase-encoded string: >>> s = "zb2rhe5P4gXftAwvA4eXQ5HJwsER2owDyS9sKaQRRVQPn93bA" >>> CID.decode(s) CID('base58btc', 1, 'raw', '12206e6ff7950a36187a801613426e858dce686cd7d7e3c0fc42ee0330072d245c95') Example usage for CIDv1 bytestring (multibase always set to 'base58btc'): >>> b = bytes.fromhex( ... "015512206e6ff7950a36187a801613426e85" ... "8dce686cd7d7e3c0fc42ee0330072d245c95") >>> CID.decode(b) CID('base58btc', 1, 'raw', '12206e6ff7950a36187a801613426e858dce686cd7d7e3c0fc42ee0330072d245c95') Example usage for CIDv0 base58-encoded string: >>> s = "QmbWqxBEKC3P8tqsKc98xmWNzrzDtRLMiMPL8wBuTGsMnR" >>> CID.decode(s) CID('base58btc', 0, 'dag-pb', '1220c3c4733ec8affd06cf9e9ff50ffc6bcd2ec85a6170004bb709669c31de94391a') Example usage for CIDv0 bytestring (multibase always set to 'base58btc'): >>> b = bytes.fromhex( ... "1220c3c4733ec8affd06cf9e9ff50ffc6b" ... "cd2ec85a6170004bb709669c31de94391a") >>> CID.decode(b) CID('base58btc', 0, 'dag-pb', '1220c3c4733ec8affd06cf9e9ff50ffc6bcd2ec85a6170004bb709669c31de94391a') :param cid: the CID bytes or multibase-encoded string :type cid: :obj:`str` or :obj:`~multiformats.varint.BytesLike` :raises ValueError: if the CID is malformed or the CID version is unsupported :raises KeyError: if the multibase, multicodec or multihash are unknown """ if isinstance(cid, str): cid, mb = _binary_cid_from_str(cid) else: mb = multibase.get("base58btc") validate(cid, BytesLike) cid = memoryview(cid) # if len(cid) == 34 and cid.startswith(b"\x12\x20"): if len(cid) == 34 and cid[0] == 0x12 and cid[1] == 0x20: v = 0 # CID version mc_code = 0x70 # multicodec.get("dag-pb") digest = cid # multihash digest is what's left else: v, _, cid = varint.decode_raw(cid) # CID version if v == 0: raise ValueError("CIDv0 is malformed.") if v in (2, 3): raise ValueError("CID versions 2 and 3 are reserved for future use.") if v != 1: raise ValueError(f"CIDv{v} is currently not supported.") mc_code, _, cid = multicodec.unwrap_raw(cid) # multicodec digest = cid # multihash digest is what's left mc = multicodec.get(code=mc_code) mh_code, _ = multihash.unwrap_raw(digest) mh = multihash.get(code=mh_code) return CID._new_instance(CID, mb, v, mc, mh, digest)
[docs] @staticmethod def peer_id(pk_bytes: Union[str, BytesLike]) -> "CID": """ Wraps the raw hash of a public key into a `PeerID <>`_, as a CIDv1. The ``pk_bytes`` argument should be the binary public key, encoded according to the `PeerID spec <>`_. This can be passed as a bytestring or as a hex string (which will be converted to :obj:`bytes` using :obj:`bytes.fromhex`). Note: the hex string is not multibase encoded. Example usage with Ed25519 public key: >>> pk_bytes = bytes.fromhex( ... "1498b5467a63dffa2dc9d9e069caf075d16fc33fdd4c3b01bfadae6433767d93") ... # a 32-byte Ed25519 public key >>> peer_id = CID.peer_id(pk_bytes) >>> peer_id CID('base32', 1, 'libp2p-key', '00201498b5467a63dffa2dc9d9e069caf075d16fc33fdd4c3b01bfadae6433767d93') #^^ 0x00 = 'identity' multihash used (public key length <= 42) # ^^ 0x20 = 32-bytes of raw hash digestlength >>> str(peer_id) 'bafzaaiautc2um6td375c3soz4bu4v4dv2fx4gp65jq5qdp5nvzsdg5t5sm' Snippet showing how to obtain the `Ed25519 <>`_ public key bytestring using the `cryptography <>`_ library: >>> from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric.ed25519 import Ed25519PrivateKey >>> from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.serialization import Encoding, PublicFormat >>> private_key = Ed25519PrivateKey.generate() >>> public_key = private_key.public_key() >>> pk_bytes = public_key.public_bytes( ... encoding=Encoding.Raw, ... format=PublicFormat.Raw ... ) >>> pk_bytes.hex() "1498b5467a63dffa2dc9d9e069caf075d16fc33fdd4c3b01bfadae6433767d93" Example usage with DER-encoded RSA public key: >>> pk_bytes = bytes.fromhex( ... "30820122300d06092a864886f70d01010105000382010f003082010a02820101" ... "009a56a5c11e2705d0bfe0cd1fa66d5e519095cc741b62ed99ddf129c32e046e" ... "5ba3958bb8a068b05a95a6a0623cc3c889b1581793cd84a34cc2307e0dd74c70" ... "b4f230c74e5063ecd8e906d372be4eba13f47d04427a717ac78cb12b4b9c2ab5" ... "591f36f98021a70f84d782c36c51819054228ff35a45efa3f82b27849ec89036" ... "26b4a4c4b40f9f74b79caf55253687124c79cb10cd3bc73f0c44fbd341e5417d" ... "2e85e900d22849d2bc85ca6bf037f1f5b4f9759b4b6942fccdf1140b30ea7557" ... "87deb5c373c5953c14d64b523959a76a32a599903974a98cf38d4aaac7e359f8" ... "6b00a91dcf424bf794592139e7097d7e65889259227c07155770276b6eda4cec" ... "370203010001") ... # a 294-byte RSA public key >>> peer_id = CID.peer_id(pk_bytes) >>> peer_id CID('base32', 1, 'libp2p-key', '1220c1a6513ffb14f202f75453c49666a5b9d7ed9a1a068891daf824d477573f829f') #^^ 0x12 = 'sha2-256' multihash used (public key length > 42) # ^^ 0x20 = 32-bytes of raw hash digest length >>> str(peer_id) 'bafzbeigbuzit76yu6ibpovctyslgnjnz27wzugqgrci5v6be2r3vop4ct4' Snippet showing how to obtain the `RSA <>`_ public key bytestring using the `cryptography <>`_ library: >>> from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric import rsa >>> from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.serialization import Encoding, PublicFormat >>> private_key = rsa.generate_private_key( ... public_exponent=65537, ... key_size=2048, ... ) >>> public_key = private_key.public_key() >>> pk_bytes = public_key.public_bytes( ... encoding=Encoding.DER, ... format=PublicFormat.SubjectPublicKeyInfo ... ) >>> pk_bytes.hex() "30820122300d06092a864886f70d01010105000382010f003082010a02820101" "009a56a5c11e2705d0bfe0cd1fa66d5e519095cc741b62ed99ddf129c32e046e" "5ba3958bb8a068b05a95a6a0623cc3c889b1581793cd84a34cc2307e0dd74c70" "b4f230c74e5063ecd8e906d372be4eba13f47d04427a717ac78cb12b4b9c2ab5" "591f36f98021a70f84d782c36c51819054228ff35a45efa3f82b27849ec89036" "26b4a4c4b40f9f74b79caf55253687124c79cb10cd3bc73f0c44fbd341e5417d" "2e85e900d22849d2bc85ca6bf037f1f5b4f9759b4b6942fccdf1140b30ea7557" "87deb5c373c5953c14d64b523959a76a32a599903974a98cf38d4aaac7e359f8" "6b00a91dcf424bf794592139e7097d7e65889259227c07155770276b6eda4cec" "370203010001" :param pk_bytes: the public key bytes :type pk_bytes: :obj:`str` or :obj:`~multiformats.varint.BytesLike` :raises ValueError: if ``pk_bytes`` is passed as a string and is not the hex-string of some bytes """ if isinstance(pk_bytes, str): pk_bytes = bytes.fromhex(pk_bytes) else: validate(pk_bytes, BytesLike) if len(pk_bytes) <= 42: mh = multihash.get("identity") digest = multihash.digest(pk_bytes, mh) else: mh = multihash.get("sha2-256") digest = multihash.digest(pk_bytes, mh) mc = multicodec.get(code=0x72) # multicodec.get("libp2p-key") mb = multibase.get("base32") return CID._new_instance(CID, mb, 1, mc, mh, digest)